WHY TEACHERS? Text: James 3:1-8, Ephesians 4:11-12 BACKGROUND: James was writing to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad (1:1). This implies that the OR are Jewish Christians living outside Palestine. His emphasis was on the essentials of obedient living in accordance with the true intent of the law of God - NNIBD I couldn't help but think deeply on James' opening statement in chapter 3. He said, "not many of you should become teachers." The first question you may want to ask is why? But before you do, let us critically understand what he meant. I'll give a few definitions of the original meaning of some words used. The first is: Become - Greek| Gi-no-mai - To be married, to be ordained to be, certified to be. Teacher - Greek| Did-as'-ka-los - Instructor, master, teacher, doctor (SBC) With this definitions, we can now understand what James was saying. He wasn't saying not many should teach, no. He was originally saying, not many should ...