Voice of Eden (episode 236)
Mon. 8th Nov 2021

#Rethink: Would you prefer to put it ON YOU than to put it IN YOU?

Text: 1Peter 3:4, Psalm 119:11, Jeremiah31:33.

Dear friend, 

If you put it ON you, you'll look good. If you put it IN you, you'll be good.

The truth is, a lot of us want to look rich while we are poor on the inside, we want to look attractive, yet we are unattractive inwardly. A lot of us also want to look intelligent, but just very few of us are willing to invest in knowledge.

You see, the problem is;

1. We want to behave in a way we have not become. We forget that behavior comes after we have become.

2. We want to gain recognition without having the capacity. So a lot of us spend our resources to put more on ourselves than to put more in ourselves. 

3. We would rather spend our resources investing in only what people can see (cloths, creams, hair cuts, cars...) than invest in what people cannot see (knowledge, skill, spiritual growth, love...). 

The Bible made it clear that a man is not as he appears to be but as he thinks in his heart. 

It is not what you put on you that defines you, but what you put in you.

So the question is, would you rather prefer to put more ON YOU than to put more IN YOU? Would you invest your time, money, relationships, and your strength to put more in you than to put more on you? 

For every piece of investment, you make on yourself, make double that investment in yourself.

What I mean is, if you're going to buy a wristwatch make sure you have gotten two books that would invest more in you than you have gotten on you.

As for us Christians, don't be in a hurry to quote every single scripture you have read, yet you have none of those scriptures on the inside of you.

So ask yourself that question again. Would you prefer to invest more on yourself than in yourself?




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