Loose Control 2

Voice of Eden (episode 143)
Thur. 31st october 2019

     #Loose Control 
_Rest starts from loosing control.

Key scripture: Philippians 4:12-13
I'm just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I've found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am

Dear friend, 

Do you really think you are in control? Before you say a yes or a no, take sometime to really think about it. We could all count how many times we lost control of yourselves at the face of a dispute, test, temptation, argument or a fight. It clearly tells us that, amongst the things you imagined you have control over, yourself isn't part of it. I'll explain as you keep reading. 

*Who really is in charge?*

The person who is in charge is often the person who is in control. It's really sad to find out that some persons enjoy to control others; tell them what to do in there homes, business, relationships, marriages but have little or no control over theirselves? Who really is in charge of your marriage? Is it your neighbor, your mother in-law, your father or your girl friends? Who is in charge of your business? Who is in charge in your home? If it's not God then it's time to take it from whoever has it.

Friends, these a very simple but eye opening question. Because a lot of us has given the control switch of our relationship, marriage, business or education to a friend, a mother, a father, a neighbor, or maybe even a stranger. *I came to discover that control is never lost, it is given.* Everytime you say you have lost control to something or someone, it was actually given to them by you. Likewise God can not take control if you don't give Him control.

*What do you have control over?*

Take out sometime to list the things you have control over. Also list out the things you don't have control over but  trying to control. List the things you don't have control over but wish you did. Now look into the list;

1. Among the things you have control over, if there is a name of a human being kindly strike it out. Because no man was called to control another man; not even your husband, wife, children, neighbor or best friend. The only person you are expected to control is yourself. 

2. Look at those things you can't but are trying to control and decide to take your hands off them. Tell yourself you won't try to control any of these things again. We find rest when we let go of trying to control things that a beyond our control. 

3. Now look at all those things you know you can't control and thank God that you can't control them. Thank Him that certain things are out of your control and ask that He helps you trust Him to take control of them. _Include the name of your wife, husband or anyone you may have written on the first list down here._

*Nothing goes out of control when God is in control*

We really need to give God the control over everything, even those things we believe we have control over. Can you imagine how your home would be if you loose control to Him? Can you imagine what your marriage, relationship, business or education would come out to be if He leads? 

You'll come to discover that we don't even have control over ourselves, it's His spirit on the inside of a man that gives him control. No man can control himself. Everyone is under the control of someone or something. Who controls you? Who or what have you lost control to? _You can only say you are self controlled when you are controlled by God's spirit from within you._

*"I have everything figured out" is a dangerous place to be*

Before you disagree. It's not wrong to have everything figured out, but it's wrong when what you have isn't under subjection to God's leadership. Loosing control to God is very difficult to someone who believes he has it all figured out. In figuring things out, don't leave God out of it. He must have the final say in all you have figured out. 


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