My Beloved_1

Voice of Eden (episode 131)
Mon. 5th August 2019

     #My Beloved_1
_ You are ever loved by God. 

Key scripture: Jeremiah 31:3
"I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving kindness."

Dear friend, 

Ever wondered how much God is willing to put up with you or endure your mess? Have you ever had sometime to think about how much he's willing to clean up the mess in you? Or do you think yours is so bad that He doesn't even know what to do about it or how to clean you up and make you new? Or do you feel that He has better things to think of and not you? Or you think you have messed up do many times, over and over again. 

*What kind of love is this?*

Today's every small emotional feeling pass for love. We see someone and suddenly have an emotional attachment, to the extent that we can't even sleep, always calling, always being around, and after a few months down the line, we found out somethings new about the person that we don't like and suddenly walk away looking for another adventure. So guys now see love as scoring. Like a game, and we play the game until we are of age and ready to settle, then we start looking for a girl to marry, not a girl to love, because it's time to be serious and settle down 

You see my friends, in life people fall in love today and tomorrow they fall out of it. We have no idea what Love or who Love is. We call so many things that looks like love Love. 

*One of the characteristics of Love is that it is lasting*

There is a love that keeps loving regardless of who you are or what you do. That kind of love is lasting. That's the 1cor13 love. 

What kind of love, looks at a murderer, an addict, a prostitute, a thief, a drunk, a man who take advantage of young girls, a man who beats up his wife, a cheat, a liar...and so on, and says I Love You. God doesn't hate any sinner, it's the sin He hates. He loved you and still does. To the measure of His love for you, there is not end. Nothing can separate you from that love. Not even sin or hell. Even if you don't make it to heaven, as you walk into hell, His love for you remains. He doesn't stop loving you because you chose to ignore Him. He doesn't stop loving you because you are walking in sin. His love for you is for ever and lasting (everlasting)

*God doesn't love you because you do good*

If for a minute you think it's because you do good that's the reason for the love, then you are wrong. Last week I was talking with a friend about a scripture I read. "Jesus said if you love me you'll obey my command." While we got talking, I said to him you don't obey God to show him that you love him. You love him and obeying him becomes the response that comes from loving Him. 

It hurts to love someone and watch the person treat you with disrespect. It's hard to love someone and wake up everyday trying to draw that person to yourself only to get a five minutes attention from the person. Don't see this as a lie because it's not, *God longs for your love!* He wants you to love him back. He seeks your attention. 

*No human can love you the way God loves you, not even yourself*

Who do you love the most? Someone would say, I love myself the most. And that's not selfish at all. If not the Bible wouldn't say love your neighbor as yourself. Another person may say, I love my wife or husband or child or job or career the most. You see, in the first thought of that question God wouldn't come to mind. Not because you don't love Him, but because you honestly don't love Him the most. 

But guess what, He Loves you the most. Right now as you read this post, His mind is full of you. He knows your name, knows your phone number, knows your address, knows the number of your hair and the number that falls off when you comb it, knows your birthday, know your village...He know who you are. And it's not just because He is God, it's simply because He is madly in love with you. He chose to make everything about you His concern. 

Love Him back! 



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