Thank you 2

Voice of Eden (episode 118)
Thur. 9th May 2019


Dear friend,
_ give thanks in everything.

Key scripture: John 6:11
Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted...

Sometimes we say sorry when we are not truly sorry and also say thank you when we are not truly thankful. Simply because we believe being thankful is dependent on what was or wasn't done to us.

*It is hard for the lips to say thank you when the heart is not thankful*

Because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. So the solution is not teaching people to learn to say thank you; it's teaching them to learn to stay thankful (which is a heart thing not just a lip thing). But it's not just enough to be thankful, it's important you say thank you. So you see, one can't do without the other.

*If you must learn to be grateful, start with what you have.*

Andrew said to Jesus, "Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish... "

Here, he said... I couldn't help but think that Jesus was simply grateful for what he had here and now, not withstanding if what he had here and now was small. Most times, we lose sight of what we have here and now because of something we had is the past of what we want in the future. We fail to be thankful for the family, that friend, that job, that love, that promotion...simply because it's very small and from a boy!

*Small barley loaves and two Small fish fed five thousand because someone was thankful*

Take note of the word #small. It was used for both the loaves and the fish. So it wasn't possible for the loaves and fish to feed more than one person. It was just enough for the boy alone. Most likely it was his lunch.

But what was lunch for one little boy, became lunch for over five thousand men. _Because a thankful heart makes more available._

*There's one thing you should always give in exchange for whatever you received; thanks*

In every situation, give thanks, the Bible says, not for every situation, give thanks. So we are not asked to thank God for the death of a loved one, or a car accident or thank Him for something bad. No. But in that situation, keep an attitude of gratitude.

_You can choose what to be thankful for but you can't choose what situation to be thankful in. Let me explain. You can only thank God for what He has done, even if it has to be in a situation He didn't orchestrate. Thank Him not for the pain but in the pain_

Nothing whatsoever should hinder you from saying thank you!

Keep growing


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