FRIENDS WITH ME: You cannot be everybody's friend

Voice of Eden (episode 184)
Mon. 27th July 2020

    #Friends with me

Dear friend,

I just thought maybe I should strike a balance to the letter I wrote to you last week. Simply because I sensed that a number of persons didn't quite understand the context of the message I was trying to pass across or maybe I didn't explain everything I had in my heart. First, nothing I wrote validates walking into a friendship with just anyone without having a purpose for that friendship or being instructed by Holy Spirit…please Note!

Friendship is a very important tool in God's hand as well as in the hands of the enemy. If nothing is happening to the person you are in friendship with, then something is happening to you, it is either good or bad. Scripture did not say bad company changes good manners, it said bad company corrupts good. So if we must be able to withstand bad, our good must be incorruptible. Jesus always was interested in making friends with people who are seen as sinners, unwanted or failures, not because He just like hanging around losers. He only did it because he has an incorruptible seed of good with is able to overcome and ultimately change the bad in another and making a beautiful master piece out of what was bad.

Second, after my post on Monday and Thursday of course, people thought I was saying make friends with anybody without being careful of who they are, but no I did not really mean it that way. You see my friend, in as much as the why is more important than the who, we must be very careful too. Sometimes we have no business being friends with some people. Jesus said friendship with the world is enmity with God. 
This means that friendship outside the purposes of God isn’t godly. Have no business hanging around people you have no business with
Clearly state your business and mind it.

Why I say this is strictly because, we have no business making friends with certain people whether the person is good or not. In fact, I think we need to be even more careful when the person appears to be good. The friendship will end up draining you of all you have and all you are. So why not we choose to make friends with only those who we believe Jesus has sent to us or sent us to. Trust me it will save us a lot of drama, and life will be simple and beautiful.

Let me teach you something I learnt, then I can let you think about it while I think of what to write again on Thursday.

Do not hold on to a friendship that has long ended. 
It doesn't matter if the person was your closest friend. If the person's role in your life is over, let them go. Else what was once good becomes toxic to you. Certain friends are sent to us for certain seasons, let them go as soon as the season is over(do not keep the mango for the dry season). Some other people are sent to us for a life time. Identify them and also identify which role you are meant to play in someone's life and play that role very well. 



  1. Thank you so much, Eden. This is an eye-opener. Not everyone should be my friend no matter how good that person may be.

  2. Hmmmm... This is done.
    Thank you so much sir


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