NOT CONDEMNED: God does not condemn you.

Voice of Eden (episode 175)
Thur 28th May 2020

_condemnation of a sinner is not of God.
Key scripture:
John 8:11 KJV
She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, neither do I condemn thee: go and sin no more.

Dear friend,

While I was thinking through John 8 this morning, it became clear to me that Jesus is not interested in hearing what we did wrong, as much as he is interested in fixing it. Sometimes we can not seem to forgive ourselves because we keep focusing on what we have done wrong and thinking that what we have done is a higher sin, and beyond what we thought we would ever fall for. However, Jesus is not interested in how big or small we think the sin is, but how willing we are to make amends. 

When looking closer at the situation within John, the accusation brought to Jesus is adultery. The question is, would Jesus have behaved differently if the alleged criminal had been a thief, a liar, murderer or rapist?

“Adultery” had a specific meaning at the time: Adultery takes two people, and according to the Law of Moses, both are to be condemned. Why then, do we hear no mention of the man, who was also to be Judged?

From the passage, I learnt that people choice who and what they want to condemn. However,  because we enjoy doing something wrong, and may have given it a good name does not make it right. It is much easier for us to identify sin when we call it by what it is. Also, because a family member, friend, pastor or someone we respect is doing what we know to be wrong, does not validate it or make it right. Jesus never excused her sin, neither did he say it was a good thing...he condemned it by saying do not do it again (paraphrased).

Friend, I want us to always learn to run to Jesus with a sincere heart anytime we fall short. He does not condemn, He redeems, He sets free and He helps us live above sin. He forgives, He loves, He would not hold it against us, He understands, but He also chastise those that He loves.

If we cannot tell anyone for the fear of being condemned or judged, we should try telling it to Jesus. We should not think we can hide it from Him, because he knows about it already. Every work of darkness we bring to light loses its power over us. If the woman caught in the act of adultery was not  brought to light and to Jesus she would have never gotten out of it. As for the man who was never brought forward, maybe he died an adulterer.

Let us let go of the thought of what people would say, pray about it (first talk to Jesus), then share it with a good friend or your pastor who would pray with you and trust God for totally healing. Bring it to light.

God bless you.



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